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Global Executive Search Company

PHR International Executive Search provide our clients with a smooth and seamless executive search service around the world. We are a member of the NPA Worldwide Recruiting Network. Our executive search expertise and coverage include the world. 

We have experience in countries around the world like Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Middle East, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States, Europe and Vietnam.

PHR International Executive Search is an international executive search corporation with offices in the Asia Pacific region and around the globe. The PHR International Executive Search Practice is broad-based in nature due to many years of extensive search experience accumulated across diverse industry sectors over the past ten (10) years.

Our Group operate with the highest integrity and display the highest ethical business behavior when interacting with our clients, candidates, suppliers, employees and governments.

PHR take pride in delivering a positive, consistent and unique experience to all stakeholders.

Our Group has a strong track record and in-depth knowledge of the regional markets. PHR International Executive Search's clients include both Asian and Western multi-national corporations, as well as government-linked corporations (GLCs). Over the years, the Group has established an extensive regional network of leading executive search operations in Asia and around the globe.  
We offer unrivalled comprehensive experience and expertise to our clients in a broad range of industries, functions and geography. We understand our clients' competitive landscapes, business strategies and operations.  
More importantly, our comprehensive network provides us the access to exceptionally qualified executives around the globe.

No search is completed until the very best candidates have been identified, interviewed and presented. This is generally the result of a painstaking custom search activity.
Often, the best people are comfortably employed and their resumes are not in circulation. We identify these high caliber people in the region and present them to you, our clients, for your consideration.

Our Valued Clients

To discover more about our extensive executive search service, please feel free to contact us:

Stanley Tan, MBA
M:  65-9430-9168      W: 

PHR International Executive Search
17, Upper Circular Road, #03-00, Singapore 079314
(opp Clarke Quay MRT)
65-65-334-331; “

Skype ID:  stanleytan1000; Twitter: @stantan 


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Recession-Proof Your Job

Copyright 2008 by ELTICI HR CONSULTANCY PTE LTD, all rights reserved. This material may be freely copied and distributed subject to inclusion of this copyright notice and the author's name.

Recession-Proof Your Job
by Stan Tan, MBA (email:

In the current economy downturn, we may want to refer to the famous quote from John Kennedy, 35th President of the United States:
“Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.”

It may be appropriate here to modify this famous saying as follows:
“Ask not what your company can do for you - ask what you can do for your company.”

Why? Because if your company does not make it, neither will you. You lose your job and if you are lucky, you find your next job quickly. But ask yourself: how likely will that be during the current market situation.

Another timely quote from Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States:
“Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, tell 'em, 'Certainly I can!' Then get busy and find out how to do it."

Companies are struggling! In the United States, former leading brand names like GM, Ford and Chrysler are fighting for survival. Companies in Singapore are foreseeing a difficult time ahead. So, what should you do? Whine and wait for the worst or stand up for your company and live to fight another day? Below are some suggestions how you can stand up and make a difference to recession-proof yourself.

Attitude counts a lot.
It is all about attitude. In the current difficult time, the importance of attitude cannot be over-emphasized. Positive attitude will help boost morale and enhance harmony and unity. This is made more important during difficult times where morale is typically low.

Take a macro view/look at the whole picture.
Look at the company as a whole and see yourself as part of the whole company. Do not wait to be told to do something. Now is the crucial time when you should look hard around and help the company to be stronger to be able to secure the diminished available business.
Be aware of and anticipate the needs of your co-workers and other departments. If you come across an article that might be useful to your co-workers, send it to them with a note.

Think of ways to generate revenues or cut costs.
During an economy downturn, the opportunity to generate revenues is diminished. Even then, we should always pro-actively think of ways to generate revenues. It is only when we ‘give up’ and stop thinking that we get into trouble.
We should keep the cost factor firmly in mind and cut costs wherever possible. Whatever costs that can be postponed should be postponed. Differentiate between needs and wants. All the wants should be firmly put on hold.
Cutting costs means that you can offer a more competitive price to your customers. Cutting costs is different from cutting corners. It means doing things in a more efficient way and doing away with non-essential stuff, without any adverse effect to quality.

Make positive contributions.
Make positive contributions whenever possible. Think of all possible ways to make positive contributions, even if it is not in your area of responsibility. Share your ideas willingly and be helpful to everyone.

Talk up your contributions.
There is no need to boast about your contributions. But keeping silent about contributions is not going help either. Subtly mention how your contributions have helped and offer more help whenever possible.

Doing your job well will not help.
In good times, doing your job well may suffice. In the current difficult situation, doing well just is not enough. Why? Because of the diminished available business opportunity, we must do our job exceptionally well to be able win the projects.

Build a strong rapport with other departments.
Unity is strength. Unity enhances morale. This is more crucial during the current downturn when morale can be low.

Make yourself stand out. Strive to be leader in your industry.
In such difficult times, it becomes more essential be best as we are competing for a limited number of available projects in the market. You can write articles, do a presentation at a seminar or even make use of the current trend and use a blog.

Get your skills up to date.
Ask yourself. If your skill is outdated, how can you contribute to the company? During the downturn, normal people start to worry. Progressive people think of how to contribute to the company by upgrading their skills, in line with the company’s requirements. Doing so will demonstrate to your company your positive attitude.

Continue networking.
It is more about who you know than what you know. What you know is important of course, but who you know can go a long way to help you succeed in difficult times. With your strong network and through the network of your network, you will be surprised how much can be achieved. This is particularly true in the current difficult time.

Be visible.
Be visible. In such difficult times, the company needs all contributions it can get. Now is not the best time to go on long vacation. The risk is that you may return to find out your job has become redundant. Make yourself useful and visible. Offer whatever help you can to whichever department that needs help.

Copyright 2008 by ELTICI HR CONSULTANCY PTE LTD, all rights reserved. This material may be freely copied and distributed subject to inclusion of this copyright notice and the author's name.

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